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Book VI in the 9-book series.

Far to the west, south of the Dunderfosse, lies a secret realm called Aelyth Kintalyn whose folk are called Yul-Kinta.. Shortly after the Battle of Sunder, before Gerrad is born, Yul-Kinta lord Urolf and Leochtor meet. Urolf sees Leana, Nasidda's twin sister, and seeks to wed her. Against opposition from both races, the union takes place and Leana is swept off to Aelyth-Kintalyn  The honeymoon does not last long. When their first child is born, Urolf refuses to accept him. Humiliated, Leana tries to flee - with tragic result. Events lead swiftly to the realm's destruction by Urolf's willful command. Survivors leave the ruins to seek refuge in remote places, away from Leochtor's vengeful eyes....

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tree houses

Leana arrives in Aelyth Kintalyn.

  The Yul-Kinta build their splendid houses up in the high branches of ancient, enchanted oaks. Here, Urolf escorts Leana to her dwelling.

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