The Last Legacy Tetralogy

Armageddon: Two worlds and their respective fates, far apart in space and time yet closely connected: Earth and Phrynis, a desirable planet in the Pleiades system. What is happening on Phrynis could affect Earth in a powerful way, offering a remnant of the human race a chance of survival. As a portion of the alien history unfolded through the Hesikastor's mind, all-powerful Hengst fought to get the coordinates of that world - having as he thought the means to reach it. Now, as the alien history climbs to its close, Earth passes the point of no-return and the race is on to escape its total destruction.

Book lV: And the Meek.

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Torc, Annhilde, Hesta: the 3 seminal figures in the aliens' destiny.

In an astonishing climax, the true nature of the alien Diaspora is revealed, and its vital connection to possible Earth survivors.

The Hesikastor, safely back in the Bourg, his enclave 5 miles below Earth's surface, warns of imminent danger. It is up to Shira, his granddaughter to organize a possible exodus. Disaster strikes sooner than expected, and the scramble is on to evacuate via a refugee ship manned by Gunther and his crew.

As they race to the edge of the solar system as instructed, Hengst catches up to them and thereby hangs a climax no less astonishing than the one on Phrynis!


Location of the Bourg


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