the adventures of a small child and what happens when her beloved companion finally wears out.

  What is a Rufus? Rufuses are probably profound, since they never offer an opinion on anything. In fact, they maintain a wise silence at all times. At night, while their owner sleeps, they take to dancing on the moon. How do they get up there? By balloon, of course. See for yourself. Just press the pink balloon on the right - if  you have DSL or don't mind waiting. (File size:  2.17MB) To get back to this page, hit your browser "back" arrow.

 NOTE: when it's done downloading, you may need  the "refresh" button to synchronize the sound.)

rufusbox.gif (9707 bytes)

"God grant me the serenity to accept things I can't change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference."

  Little Jo loves Rufus. They go everywhere together - and that's the trouble. When Rufus finally wears out, Little Jo has a tough choice to make. But make it she does, and entirely on her own terms. 

  This sturdy little book is a valuable and entertaining addition to any child's collection. It is available by itself or with a tape narrated by the author.