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mystery & suspense with a touch of tarot & a pinch of salt

A single parent, Tabitha Mornay lives on Long Island's North Shore. A sculptor, she spends summers in her houseboat. Her daughter Tess falls for a bad lad and moves out. On the eve of Tabitha's first art show, Tess goes missing, the studio's trashed, murder, drugs, poison pen letters all flood in. The Burning Tower, le Feu de Ciel, a major tarot card, is often called The House of God - medieval term for a hospital. An expert, Case, notes that it signifies the Tower of Babel. Christian calls it the "lightning-struck tower", says it denotes ruin, punishment of pride, the downfall of any spirit that tries to learn the mysteries of God. He also takes it to indicate bad luck. Crowley, Douglas, Gray, Usher, Waite all agree the Tower is not the best card in the pack. Don't you just love the squabbles of experts on any topic under the sun? Whatever, Tabitha is wise to worry the night she picks it for her key card.

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